began more than 20 years ago during my design studies at the former Werkkunstschule in Krefeld. There I got to know the possibilities of painting with acrylic paints with Professor Kirchberger, experimented with large formats and expanded my point of view through various male excursions. In addition to my professional activity as a booth designer, I have continued to deal with free acrylic painting on and on and deepened my technical and compositional skills.
My themes; abstract and figurative compositions, experiments with material and structures, exploration of the infinite world of colors.
Born in North Rhine-Westphalia, since 1991 living in Munich
1984-89 Object design study at the Werkkunstschule Krefeld, free large-scale painting under Professor Günther C. Kirchberger
Graduate designer
1991 - 2003 Product and exhibition stand designer
Since 2003 working as a freelance artist
Second chair of the Kunstverein Ottobrunn
Member of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Munich and Upper Bavaria